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The Story

The Story of Turbans & Fashion

Turbans & Fashion was founded in 2015 out of a need for stylish, comfortable, modern alternatives to the head-cover for ladies. Ladies’ turbans were not so much in fashion, and they were simply not available. At first, we were looking for turbans, then we started making turbans. One thing led to another, and we found ourselves starting a business called Turbans & Fashion with a small store in Dubai Festival City, with a collection of gorgeous turbans, scarves, clothing, head-covers, praying clothes and accessories for veiled ladies.

Five years, a second store, a few events, a lot of trial, error, voila moments and small successes later, we’ve now launched our online fashion store.

our belief

our mission

Turbans & Fashion was created to bring high-quality fashionable products for head-covered ladies, without a large price tag.

From the very beginning, we listened to our customers’ kind feedback and took into consideration every single opinion, to make our products better. Lower prices, faster shipping, fashion advice – we have worked hard to deliver everything you asked for, without making any compromises whatsoever. In fact, we keep making our products better by testing our materials, embellishments and the finish to the extreme, to make sure that the product you get will last forever, and is not something that you will discard after a few uses.

Quality and style that last is our promise to you, and we are deeply committed to it.



Welcome to Turbans & Fashion, the online store we have put together with all of our love, passion, empathy and dedication.

Creating best-in-class products is no easy task. In fact, it is a gruelling process of experimenting, making mistakes, learning from them, and eventually leading to unexpected success.

I first thought of starting Turbans & Fashion because I loved the freedom of wearing a turban and accessorising it with a scarf to complete the look I want. Over the last 5 years since starting, we have grown, we have been loved by our customers, and today, we are an online store run by a small team of my family, friends and myself, who are all equally passionate about the business and its mission.

In our online avatar, we hope to delight you as much as we always have. And as an additional step, we hope to be able to empower women to be themselves and express themselves in whatever way they want to, including the clothing choices they make. We promise to always listen to you and always find better ways to serve you. Stay tuned to our social media for more updates on fashion, life, dreams, fun and more. Together, let’s empower each other to be ourselves and live well.


Shaima Sakr

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